Homemade anti aging face mask
anti aging facial mask is an excellent treatment for facial care and allows you to enjoy multiple benefits in many ways without spending too much money, in fact, different types of anti aging masks are usually made with natural products, which vary according to the condition skin and the needs of the individual who performs the treatment.
Anti aging face mask - DIY anti aging mask |
An anti-aging mask do- it-yourself with
yogurt and
pumpkin helps ease the signs of aging, the unpleasant and unsightly wrinkles, to make this mask serves
homemade bake about 150 grams of pumpkin, once cooked you have to squeeze the pulp with a fork.
DIY anti aging mask
The mixture with the pumpkin should then be mixed with a jar full of greek yogurt and blend until 5 strawberries to form a homogeneous mixture.
The flesh of the pumpkin contains a wealth of active ingredients : amino acids ( leucine and tyrosine ), carotenoids that prepare the skin to the sun, mucilage which help you to maintain proper hydration and vitamins that revitalize.
While the yogurt balances the skin pH altered by stress and makeup and finally strawberries are rich in minerals (iron, calcium, zinc ) and antioxidant vitamins : A, C, B1 and B2.
The mixture obtained is to be applied on the face and neck and let sit for fifteen minutes before being taken off with lukewarm water.
Make a mask for anti-aging facial helps to cleanse, moisturize and maintain youthful skin, improving the appearance of your skin. This
DIY face mask is really useful to cleanse the skin from toxins and dead cells which, once deposited on the surface layer of the skin, clogging the pores of the skin allowing it to breathe more easily, keeping healthy.
In addition to the different types of mud or clay mask uses several anti-aging foods rich in nutrients to benefit the skin and improve its defenses against those compounds that can damage it : for example, if your skin is suffering because of the UV rays, pollution from dehydration or aging, there are some masks specified to help achieve a smoother skin and attractive.
How to prepare an anti-aging mask
Following two sample of anti-aging face masks
Anti-aging mask 1
1 ripe peach , peeled and without bone.
1albumen egg.
Whip the peach and egg white in a blender , once the mixture has become well creamy to apply it on the skin and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water .
Anti-aging Mask 2
2 teaspoons of plain yogurt.
1 tablespoon of honey.
1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
3 capsules of vitamin E supplements
Combine the following ingredients in a blender and blend until all the dough is spread on your face.
Let sit for 15 minutes so as to allow its action to achieve deep tissue, improving its appearance.
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homemade face mask recipes, you can subscribe to our blog feed so you won't miss our great recipes in the future. Feel free to share this face mask if you see it useful.
source: ar